This week we had 81 new APIs added to our API directory including a Google Apps reseller account management service, iPad point-of-sale service, photo manipulation service, customer feedback service and a customer loyalty program service. We also covered three APIs for beating CAPTCHAs and reviewed the DynaMed clinical reference API. Below are more details on each of these new APIs.
4sync API: 4sync is a file sharing and file storage application for web, desktop, and mobile. Users can upload, sync, share, and store files and documents across multiple platforms.
The 4sync API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of 4sync with other applications and to create new applications. Some example API methods include managing accounts, adding and managing files, and retrieving files.
5centSMS API: The service provides SMS text messaging with delivery of specified message text to a designated recipient. Delivery notification is available, and recipients can respond via the service, e.g., to unsubscribe or to provide requested information, with responses processed as HTTP requests or email. Reporting functions summarize outbound and inbound message traffic.
API methods support messaging functions, including both send and receive, with ability to generate replies as email to a designated address. Methods also support delivery notification to verify status of sent messages as received or not successfully delivered. The API provides reporting functions for message tracking and account balance information. A digital signature authentication process is in beta.
8?8 Click to Dial API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
The Click to Dial API is simple HTTP API that lets logged in agents create an outbound call in an external URL window. This allows for clickable hyperlink creation in user records for dialing a customer's phone number.
Requests are made securely through HTTPS using GET/POST.
8?8 CRM API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) API allows you to manage your contact center's interactions with customers of the Contactual Integration Suite. With the API you can develop applications to interact with the Virtual Contact Center's data such as: customer, case, follow-up and FAQ data.
The API utilizes HTTP/HTTPS with support for GET, MODIFY, ADD, DELETE and LIST actions in XML formatting.
8?8 External IVR API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
This API allows clients the ability to interact with external interactive voice response (IVR) systems. This feature is presently embedded in 8?8 IVR Server. Once a request is made to the 8?8 IVR Server, an administrator may configure the IVR script to relay the request to an external server.
Requests are made using HTTPS after being authenticated through an issued "action request" token.
8?8 Real Time Statistics Reporting API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
The Real Time Statistics Reporting API differs from the other Statistical API in that it returns 'real time' results instead of consulting the historical database. Data from the API is refreshed from the server every 10 seconds.
The API displays real time information about agents and queues. It allows for queries on all agents, queues, or a specific agent and queue with a provided ID. Requests must be made in HTTPS (authenticated by token) with returns in XML or JSON
8?8 Recordings API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
The Recordings API allows for the identification and request of recording information from the Virtual Contact Center Database. The recording data assessable through the API includes: file name, phone number dialed, customer ANI and other information. All queriers are made securely through HTTPS using GET with responses in XML or CSV.
8?8 Reporting API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
The 8?8 Statistics Reporting API establishes and requests statistical data from the Historical Reporting Database using a simple HTTP request. For security purposes the only types of requests that will be accepted will be HTTPS.
The Historical Reporting database supplies information in event and aggregate about agents and their interactions: status, outbound calls queues and their interactions. Responses come in XML or CSV format.
8?8 Web Callback API: 8?8 is a company who specializes in services to fit the needs of businesses in the areas of voice, video, mobile, and unified communications. They offer a suite of APIs to couple your needs with the Virtual Contact Center offerings of 8?8.
"Web callback" allows for embedded buttons on websites allowing visitors to request a 'callback' from the application. Utilizing callbacks, customers do not have to wait in the support queue and can interact directly with the application.
Features of the API include: call me now, call me after a certain delay, call me when agent is available. All callback requests (GET, POST) are made using HTTPS.
Antigate API: Antigate is an real-time CAPTCHA to text decoding service that utilizes human workers from around the world. The Antigate API allows users to upload CAPTCHAs, set parameters, receive the decoded CAPTCHA value, retrieve the status of the CAPTCHA as well as several account related functions an queries. The service cost starts at .7USD per 1000 images depending on volume, and comes with an average decoding speed of 15 seconds. The API uses REST calls and can return XML.
Antivin API: The service generates full report of available information about a specific vehicle based on its vehicle identification number (VIN). Available report data include Carfax and AutoCheck reports, which provide number of owners and last known odometer reading along with vehicle damage history.
API methods support HTTP GET requests specifying the VIN and the report desired. Separate endpoints generate either the Carfax or AutoCheck reports.
AppFirst API: AppFirst is an online dashboard that provides developers with information about their applications, such as performance metrics, server monitoring, and reporting tools.
The AppFirst API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality and data of AppFirst with other applications and to create new applications. Some example API methods include retrieving data, managing account information, and managing alerts.
Bootic API: Bootic is an online shopping network that connects suppliers (The Sources) and retailers (The Vendors) to offer a symbiotic shopping experience for customers interested in locating goods in a customizable and personal shopping environment.
Bootic handles shipping and transactions for the Vendors and connects them with Sources. Bootic Vendors can also use Bootic's Web-based tools to create dynamic ecommerce storefronts.
You can use Bootic's API to access various internal Bootic functions such as: search methods, product information, user account information and storefront and product management for Bootic stores.
The API can interact with any product or application that can make an HTTP request and interpret JSON data. Calls include: GET/POST with returns formatted in JSON.
Byomei API: Byomei is a Japanese medical information service provided by the Master Standard Diagnosis Working Group. It focuses primarily on providing information pertinent to diseases. Byomei can be accessed and searched using a SOAP-based API. Both the website and the Byomei API documentation are provided exclusively in Japanese.
Bypass CAPTCHA API: Bypass Captcha is a CAPTCHA solving service. The service operates through the Bypass CAPTCHA API which can be implemented in third-party software. The API solves CAPTCHAs in less than ten seconds and is accurate "at least 95%" of the time. The service uses REST calls and through it users can, submit your CAPTCHA image, send correctness feedback so Bypass CAPTCHA can track accuracy and only charge for correct solutions, as well as check account information.
CliFlo API: The service provides access to the database maintained by the New Zealand national government of climate information. Data come from weather condition readings over time logged by approximately 6500 climate stations operating at various times since 1850. Over 600 stations currently contribute data.
API methods supply both raw data and statistical summaries by station and for specific time periods. Raw data provide readings on key climatic measures with several frequencies: 10 minutes, hourly, and daily. Summary statistics aggregate readings by month and year and calculate estimates of normal levels for six readings over 30-year spans.
CreditAPI API: CreditAPI is an API that allows users to access consumer credit data, retrieving it from Experian, Equifax and Transunion. The API can merge credit data that is obtained from the three credit repositories in order to produce a unified view of a borrower?s credit record. Users can also process their credit data and the API will generate specific actions that the borrower can take to improve their credit score. The API uses HTTP calls and responses are formatted in XML, TEXT, PDF, HTML and more.
Culture24 API: Culture24 is a non-profit, cultural publishing organization that collects and shares cultural data, publishes websites, and leads campaigns and research projects. The Culture24 SOAP API provides developers with an interface to automate access to Culture24 Direct Data Entry database, the backbone of everything the organization does.
Czech Customs Administration TaricCZ API: TARIC is an online customs tariff database maintained by the European Union. This database integrates and codes all measures relating to tariff, commercial, and agricultural legislation. TARIC_CZ is used in the internal information system of the Czech Customs Administration. It includes all of the TARIC data, as well as information on the Czech Republic's national integrated tariffs (NIT) and other national legislation.
The TaricCZ API provided by the Czech Customs Administration is used to programmatically obtain information from the TARIC_CZ database. API users can issue SOAP-based calls, which will then return the desired information in XML format. The Czech Customs Administration website is provided primarily in Czech with some parts (not including the API documentation) provided in English.
Datameer API: Datameer is a data analytics product. Datameer allows users to integrate, analyze, and visualize large amounts of data for analysis.
The Datameer API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality and data of Datameer with other applications. The Datameer API also allows for remote access to data. Public documentation is not available; API access comes with account service.
Death By CAPTCHA API: Death By captcha offers a CAPTCHA bypass service. The service operates through the Death By CAPTCHA API. Users pass CAPTCHAs through the API where they are solved by an OCR or manually. The solved CAPTCHA is then passed back where it can be used. The service is available at $1.39 for 1000 solved CAPTCHAs. The API has an average solved response time of 15 seconds, and an average accuracy rate of 90% News API: This web service provides access to the news archives of the website. Developers can retrieve the latest news for integration into their own web or windows applications using the News API. This service is accessible using SOAP calls issued in XML format. The website and API documentation are only available in German.
The service is still in the beta state. Bug reports, suggestions, and comments are welcome.
Dozuki API: Dozuki makes documentation software supporting organizations of all sizes in creating documentation for training, product support, and project documentation. The Dozuki API provides programmatic access, enabling anyone to write applications and utilities on top of the Dozuki database.
DynaMed API: DynaMed is a clinical reference tool for use by physicians and other health care professionals at the point-of-care. It acts as a resource to be used during practice with clinically-organized summaries for more than 3,200 topics. DynaMed editors monitor the content of over 500 medical journals on a daily basis and update the tool accordingly. DynaMed can be integrated into electronic medical records systems to provide realtime delivery of information.
Eppraisal API: The service provides estimates of selling prices for homes and other real estate. For a specified property location, it returns a range of values from low to middle to high. It is available as a web form for individual submissions, a series of embeddable widgets, or via web service.
API methods support specification of a location as a U.S. Postal Service Zip Code. The API returns a median value along with most expensive and least expensive values, based on reported real estate transactions in the area.
EZComet API: EZComet is a cloud-based service providing real time web message pushing technology solutions. The EZComet designed their server side interface as a REST API, allowing developers to integrate scripts automate all EZComet functions.
Fhoster Livebase API: FHOSTER allows you to develop cloud-based servers (cloudlets) and interact with them through its Livebase product. Livebase affords you the ability to serve data to your customers in a visually appealing manner and make data management more user friendly.
Their Livebase product allows you to produce UML-based conceptual schema of your client's information through a web browser interface. Livebase allows you to quickly build a front-end of a database. From simple tables to complicated relational databases, Livebase delivers expressive, enterprise level data solutions for your clients.
The Livebase REST API allows you to constrain and maintain your database cloudlets in external systems: Including cardinality, predicate-based integrity, navigability and rule-based access control. OPTIONS and GET methods are supported for each resource with others available depending on the type of resource.
Fileboard API: Fileboard is a live web-based presentation application. Fileboard allows users to create presentations, share them, access analytics about presentations, and store various files associated with sales.
The Fileboard API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality with other applications and create new applications. Public documentation is not available; interested developers should email for more information.
FindPeopleFree API: The FindPeopleFree service provides information on persons and businesses located in the UK. Users can submit a city name or postcode, select a region within that location, and retrieve the names, addresses, and phone numbers of persons or businesses therein. This service can be accessed using either a web console or API. The API uses SOAP calls issued in XML format. The only requirement for implementing the service elsewhere is that users must provide credit to in the manner specified on the site. API: is a provider of an SMS Gateway that gives users the ability to send personalized messages, international SMS, bulk SMS, implement a SMS marketing strategy and send SMS notifications. The API allows developers to connect to the SMS Gateway and allows clients to completely customize the SMS messages they send. The API uses HTTP calls. Interested developers should contact the provider for more information. Please note that the site is in German.
Friendship Industries Secure Login API: Friendship Industries is an organization that creates and maintains employment and training opportunities for persons with disabilities in integrated work environments. The Friendship Industries website has a login service that can be accessed via API. This API uses SOAP calls issued in XML format.
FullerData Fortune Cookie API: The FullerData Fortune Cookie API enables users to programmatically retrieve a random fortune. The "fortunes" are quotes from sci-fi novels, philosophers, anonymous sources, poets, and others. There are a total of 882 fortunes available, and users may also elect to retrieve specific fortunes by number. This API uses SOAP calls issued in XML format.
FullerData News API: The FullerData News API enables developers to programmatically retrieve news articles from BBC, ABC World, MSDN Framework, Slashdot, PC World, and other sources. News items can be retrieved in HTML or XML format, or the user may simply retrieve the source URL for a news category. This service uses SOAP calls issued in XML format.
Gama System Exchange Rates API: Gama System is a software company that offers several online services. One such service, the Exchange Rates API, can be used to perform currency conversions or to retrieve current and historical currency exchange rates. The service uses SOAP calls to retrieve data in XML format. The Gama System website is available in both Slovenian and English.
GolfNet API: GolfNet is a provider of golf software that is used by golf associations, golf clubs and individual golfers. The software can be used to calculate USGA handicaps and automatically manage tournaments. An API is available that allows affiliates and developers to integrate the site functionality into their own branded site or app. Users can then post scores to their USGA Handicap Index through the branded site. Full documentation is not publicly available.
Google Apps Reseller API: The Google Apps Reseller API allows reseller administrators and service integrators to place customer orders and manage Google Apps monthly post-pay subscriptions. The API is meant to enable businesses to scale easily by integrating components of the Google Apps reseller tools into customer and sales systems. The API exposes methods for working with customers and subscriptions. It uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
Google Time Zone API: Google Time Zone provides time zone information for locations around the world, by latitude and longitude.
The Google Time Zone API allows developers to access and integrate the data and functionality of Google Time Zone with other applications and to create new applications. The main API method is returning time zone data for locations.
Hosca BankFinder API: Hosca is a website that offers a number of simple games and services. This includes the BankFinder service, which enables users to locate banks within a selected radius of a given zipcode. This service is available directly on the website or via API. The API operates using SOAP calls issued in XML format.
ICStats White Dealer API: ICStats is a Dutch website traffic monitoring service that can help answer important questions about the effectiveness of a site's marketing campaigns. The reports on user activity provide insight, not only into the number of visitors and page views, but also into the ways by which visitors find the website.
The ICStats reports are available programmatically via API. The API is accessible using SOAP calls issued in XML format. Additional APIs for accessing ICStats' functions are in the works. The website and all API documentation are provided solely in Dutch.
IIAP Servicio Glosario API: The Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazon?a Peruana (IIAP), or Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon, is an institution of scientific research and technological development, specializing in the sustainable use of biodiversity in the Amazon region.
IIAP Servicio Glosario is the IIAP's glossary service. It returns the contextual definitions of words relevant to the IIAP's work. This service is available as a SOAP API. The IIAP website and API documentation are provided solely in Spanish.
InfoValutar Rate API: InfoValutar provides information on the exchange rates between foreign currencies and the Romanian leu. This information is supplied by the Banca Nationala a Romaniei (trans. National Bank of Romania).
This information is available programmatically using the Curs (trans. Rate) API. This service is accessible using SOAP calls issued in XML format. The InfoValutar website is provided exclusively in Romanian. API: is a photo manipulation service that provides a variety of photo manipulation techniques and layering of filters. The service utilizes a RESTful API, managed by Mashape with prices beginning at $0.01/filter with the first 100/month being free and a maximum file size of 4MB.
Besides filtering photos, can also edit your photos through cropping, resizing and other non-filter functions. The API is built with a mobile emphasis in mind for Android and iOS users. also allows for realtime editing using HTTP requests.
A variety of client libraries are available (Python, Objective C, PHP, Java, Ruby) and with a Mashape account you can also test the API.
JetSetMe API: JetSetMe is an application that displays real-time roaming of O2 mobile SIM cards in Europe, such as when the mobile goes abroad and returns home.
The JetSetMe API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality and data of JetSetMe with other applications and create new applications. Some example API methods include retrieving customer status and getting roaming notifications.
Korean Bible Society API: The Korean Bible Society (KBS) is a non-profit organization formed to translate, publish, and distribute Christian Scriptures in the Korean language. The KBS website is provided in both Korean and English.
The KBS API provides users with programmatic access to the KBS's Korean translation of the Bible. It also provides a search service and the ability to retrieve information on specific Gospels.
MarketConnect API: The service provides access to data about stocks and other financial assets as well as the companies that issue them. Available data include real-time price quotes for trades on the Borsa Italiana as well as leading international stock exchanges. Data also cover regulatory filings by companies that issue securities and other events such as initial public offerings (IPOs), dividend payments, and shareholder meetings.
API methods support retrieval of price quotes and trading for stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments issued by Italian companies from markets in Italy and elsewhere. Methods also support access to informational filings and event notifications related to security ownership.
Medallia API: Medallia is a customer relationship and feedback service. Medallia offers customized reports based on customer feedback so companies can address customer feedback.
The Medallia API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of Medallia with other applications and create new applications. Public documentation is not available; interested developers should sign up here:
MerchantWARE API: Merchant Warehouse is a payment processing provider offering the MerchantWare suite. The suite is a web-based payment gateway and virtual terminal that lets merchants securely process transactions and manage their merchant account. MerchantWare supports batch processing and multiple user login access for enhanced account and user management, virtual terminal back-up capabilities, advanced transaction reporting and more.
The API allows merchants to integrate payment processing functionality into their own software products and POS systems. Interested developers should contact the provider for more information.
MNB Exchange Rate API: The Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) is the central bank of Hungary. In this role, its primary objective is to achieve and maintain price stability. The MNB website is available to visitors in both Hungarian and English.
The MNB provides the Arfolyam (trans. Exchange Rate) API, which can be used to retrieve current and historic currency exchange rates. This service uses SOAP calls issued in XML format.
Mollie Payment API: Mollie is a Netherlands based SMS provider of both SMS and payments services. Through Mollie, customers can use iDEAL, the most widely used online payment method in the Netherlands. Other payment services include the use of the paysafecard, the most widely used prepaid card for online payments, pay per call, pay per minute, and pay per SMS.
The Payments APIs are a suite of APIs that give developers access to the payment functionalities of Mollie. These include iDEAL payments, integrating paysafecard functionality into a website, phone based micropayments and more. The APIs uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in XML. The site and documentation are in Dutch.
Mollie SMS API: Mollie is a Netherlands based SMS provider of both SMS and payments services. Mollie offers SMS and MMS gateways to their customers. Along with the gateways, customers can access SMS marketing services and shortcodes. The SMS APIs allow users to send SMS messages via HTTP and SMPP. Other features include sending SMS offers via email, sending MMS messages, at viewing devliery reports.
Moonshado API: The service provides SMS text messaging to integrate mobile communications with other applications, such as marketing and customer service. It claims global coverage to all devices and across many carriers using a SMPP connection. It also provides SMS short codes and long codes to forward traffic sent to alternative, simplified contact numbers.
API methods support sending SMS text messages for global delivery to specified recipient numbers. Methods also handle inbound SMS messages, including short and long codes to reroute messages. The API allows tracking of messages sent and received with reporting at the level of specific numbers and devices.
MSM Market Summary Data API: The Muscat Securities Market (MSM) website is the result of the Omani government's efforts to ensure the flow of information and to help maintain market integrity. Its contents include data on live trading, news digests, companies' performances, etc.
MSM also provides the Market Summary Data API, which enables developers to programmatically retrieve a summary of Omani market conditions using SOAP calls. The website and API documentation are both provided in English.
MyFitnessPal API: MyFitnessPal is a web and mobile application that helps users track their diets and exercise. MyFitnessPal offers food and exercise logs that uses can track what they eat and their exercise in.
The MyFitnessPal API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of MyFitnessPal with other applications and to create new applications. Public documentation is not available; interested developers should email for access.
NaNoWriMo Word Count API: NaNoWriMo ? short for National Novel Writing Month ? is a free annual event for all those with literary aspirations. During the month of November, participants attempt to write 50,000 words worth of novel. All the while, they receive pep talks from published authors, communicate with fellow participants on forums, and keep track of their daily word count on the site.
The RESTful NaNoWriMo Word Count API enables users to access word count information for use in external tools or apps. Types of information available include current individual wordcount, individual wordcount history, site wordcount, site wordcount history, regional wordcount, and regional wordcount history.
NCR Aloha Loyalty API: NCR is a technology company that provides products and self-service solutions for ATM machines and software, POS systems and software and airline check-in systems. Their Aloha Loyalty solutions allows clients to implement and manage loyalty programs. Organizations can develop customizable programs across multiple sites with unlimited bonus plans and reward structures. Rewards include instant discounts, gift card credit and bounce-back vouchers. The API can be used to query and update the Aloha Loyalty database tables via their consumer website.
Nova Software Schedule File API: Nova Software is an IT company that focuses on the area of school administration. The company's products and services support processes for service planning, scheduling, absence management, and student records, as well as for communication between school and home. The website is provided solely in Swedish.
Nova Software also hosts the Schedule File API, which allows multiple users to create and manage scholastic schedules. The service's functions are available using SOAP calls issued in XML format. API: provides a series of API's that can add security, compliance, risk and reputation controls to developer applications without the need for complex backend systems or ever expanding cloud servers.
The API series consists of nsureVIRUS, nsureLanguage, nsurePORN, and nsureProfanity.
In a nutshell, giving developers content control over their application or site.
Functionality includes virus protections, language identification, profanity filters, SOX, HIPAA & porn detection.
The APIs are RESTful and responses are formatted in JSON.
OpenSignal API: OpenSignal is an application that allows users to find the best cell phone, wi-fi, and mobile coverage by location. OpenSignal provides a database of cell phone towers, cell phone signal strength readings, and Wi-Fi access points around the world.
The OpenSignal API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality and data of OpenSignal with other applications and to create new applications. An example API method is retrieving coverage information by location.
Oregon Liquor Prices API: Oregon Liquor Prices provides comprehensive liquor price data pulled directly from the Oregon Liquor Control Commission?s database. The Oregon Liquor Prices API provides developers with a free RESTful interface to access the Oregon Liquor Control Commission?s liquor and store metadata.
PayChannel API: PayChannel is a provider of payment processing software solutions and services. Their PayChannel gateway securely manages users' credit card transactions. Other services offered include interactive voice response, front counter payments, e-bill presentment, ACH/e-check and convenience fee model.
The PayChannel API lets developers integrate the functionality of the PayChannel service into their existing software systems. API functionality includes credit card, debit card and electronic check (ACH) processing options, authorization and settlement processing, voids and reversals, recurring payment setup and processing, convenience fee transaction processing, shopping cart option, front counter processing capability and secure processing. Public documentation is not available.
PayGate Kenya API: PayGate is an international payment gateway and credit card processing service with connections to more than 70 banks in more than 30 countries throughout the world. PayGate's main product is PayWeb which allows merchants to receive credit card payements on their website. PayGate offers an API for customizing and integrating the payment gateway features. Interested should contact the developer for more information.
PriceFlurry API: PriceFlurry is allows people to find and share information regarding prices for various goods and services around the globe. The PriceFlurry API provides read/write access to the PriceFlurry database through a RESTful interface.
ProcessClaims API: CCC Information Services Inc. supplies the automotive claims and collision repair industries with advanced software that provides business process automation, vendor management, and data analysis services. All of these services are available through a browser-based GUI or through the use of APIs. The APIs function via SOAP-based calls issued in XML format.
PTT Info API: The Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) engages in natural gas enterprises that include exploration, production, transportation via pipeline systems, gas separation, and marketing.
The PTT Info API provides users with programmatic means for retrieving information from the PTT website. This information includes oil prices and news related to the petroleum industry.
The PTT website is provided in both Thai and English.
Publications NZ Book Cover API: The service provides images of book covers for publications from New Zealand as a way to support the country's libraries and promote its publications in catalogs of relevant works. Licensing terms do not allow access by libraries and other users outside New Zealand.
API methods accept queries to identify books and other printed resources as HTTP GET requests providing unique resource identifiers such as ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, or NBD number. If found, the API returns URLs for both full-size and thumbnail images from the namespace that can be incorporated in the <img> tag to include the cover image in a catalog web display.
Pygments API: The service provides syntax highlighting for web applications without Python installed. It accepts submission of a code selection and code selection with a designation of programming language and generates a version of the code with color highlighting calling out programming statements from that language. The returned 'pygmentized' HTML can be stored locally to the requesting system or directly displayed using CSS formatting.
API methods support submission of the desired code sample and programming language attribute. The list of programming languages detected and highlighted include over 200 individual languages and combinations, such as HTML + PHP.
Reflection IT Html2Xml API: The Html2Xml webservice takes HTML text or the URL of a webpage and converts that page into well-formed XML. This service is created and hosted by Reflection IT, and it can be accessed programmatically using SOAP calls issued in XML format. Reflection IT makes this service available for free use without any guarantees or promises of proper operation.
Revel Systems API: Revel Systems is a point-of-sale (POS) solution for the iPad, web, and mobile. Revel Systems POS system works with other applications and provides customized reports.
The Revel Systems API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of Revel with other applications. Some example API methods include managing accounts, managing items, and managing payments.
Salsa Commons API: The service provides tools for recruiting, fundraising, and organizing by not-for-profit organizations, political campaigns, and other issue advocacy environments. It emphasizes community building around social causes and issues with the goal of promoting involvement and financial support. Campaign management functions help to coordinate messaging and integrate responses with fundraising and related functions.
API methods support interactions of other systems with the providers organizing, communication, advocacy, and fundraising tools. The API handles messaging from external systems to update community information managed by the platform via methods to get data from the system and save data back to system nodes. API calls request resources at the campaign's own domain, which the service helps to establish and manage.
SkyBiometry Face Detection and Recognition API: SkyBiometry provides a face detection and recognition service and can be used as a drop-in replacement for discontinued API.
The SkyBiometry Face Detection and Recognition API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality of the service with other applications and to create new applications. Some example API methods include recognizing and detecting faces in photos and tagging the photos.
Skypop API: The service provides marketing and promotion via rewards and communications delivered to customers' mobile devices. By integrating with a retailer's point-of-sale (POS) system, it can recognize customer transactions and provide incentives targeted to the current purchase. This regular, timely contact is intended to encourage customer loyalty and repeat purchases.
API methods support integration of POS and customer relationship management (CRM) systems with the provider's Mobile Membership and Marketing platform. Methods allow recruitment and registration of new members via barcode, NFC sticker, or direct phone number entry. Existing members are recognized the same way, allowing delivery of time-sensitive discounts, rewards, and messaging.
StorageMadeEasy Cloud Data API: The StorageMadeEasy Cloud Data API enables users to use one API to work with over 35 public and private storage and information Clouds. The API aims to solve the key issue of unifying cloud information across different cloud services. Functionality includes accessing control permissions, file locking, event auditing and can be used natively as a Cloud drive on any desktop or mobile device. It is RESTful with responses in XML supporting all kinds of authentication protocols from differing Cloud services.
Strava API: Strava is a social fitness service that allows users to share, compare and compete with other users' personal fitness data via mobile and online apps. Focusing on cyclists and runners, Strava lets users track their rides and runs via mobile apps or GPS device to analyze their performance. The Strava API provides several methods through which users can send and receive Strava data from a mobile device. These methods lets users access data on other athletes, efforts, rides and uploads. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
Subeta API: Subeta is a forum-based social site on which users can adopt a virtual pet and customize a human avatar. The site also features games and an extensive variety of clothing items that can be used to dress up an avatar.
The Subeta API enables developers to programmatically retrieve site user details, user wardrobe information, lists of users' items, and item information. Site users can employ the API to alter their avatar's wardrobe and send events to other users. API: The service provides a platform for interacting with mobile devices to provide videos and other entertainment content, SMS text messaging and 'enterprise messaging,' and other services. It aims to provide middleware to facilitate contacts with devices by a range of services meeting many different needs.
API methods support single sign-on (SSO), core device interaction, service billing, SMS and other messaging, and administrative reports for service users. Methods identify specific resources required for a particular communication or other interaction to smooth the connection between content and users.
Tapir API: Tapir allows you to make your personal blog of static pages searchable through its selection of APIs. Tapir provides simple search functionality for your site through indexing your RSS feeds every 15 minutes or so. Tapir can only index what is in your established feed.
Using Tapir's three APIs: Search, Ping and Post, you can manage your blog's searchable content and push content through the APIs to be included in your feed. Information is returned in either JSON or JSONP formats utilizing a different callback method.
Tapir also provides a JQuery plugin. Tapir is sponsered through 80beans.
Tellgram API: Tellgram is a community of people who design well crafted content. Anyone can log in and give stars to posts they enjoy, but Tellgram determines whose content is of high enough quality to be featured on the site. Posts on Tellgram are called wires and take the form of either text, images, audio, or video.
Developers can use the Tellgram API to programmatically retrieve wires or a timeline from Tellgram. The results can be filtered by popularity, user, or wire type. Specific wires can also be retrieved by ID. This API uses REST calls issued in JSON format.
Tiket API: is an Indonesian based company delivering ticket shopping and comparison services for a variety of industries. offers a one-stop shop for all your ticket booking needs: flights, hotels, concerts, and more. The suite of APIs offered by allow you to book all these events for you or your business.
Payments can be made three ways through: direct contact with (for larger businesses), payment channels (user pays through the API with credit card), or depositing money at (can't utilize the API if you haven't deposited any money)
APIs are included for: Movies, Train, Events, Hotel, Flight as well as User Management and General. You must register as a affiliate and pass a User Acceptance Test (UAT)?to determine that you are a legitimate developer?before you can utilize the API.
Supported formats include: XML, JSON and PHP serialized. API: Ukulima means "farming" in Swahili and after being awarded a grant by the Rockefeller Foundation, Pamoja Media began developing a social network platform for Kenyan farmers to communicate with each other using the web and mobile internet. After developing support in Kenya, hopes to extend its services to other parts of Africa.
The REST API allows developers to communicate with the data on their servers using POST and GET methods to create cooperative third party applications with returns in JSON.
VinAudit API: The service provides lookup access to vehicle history reports compiled by the U.S. National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS). Applications can use the service to implement NMVTIS data access for general access or for more specific functions like car dealership inventory management systems.
API methods support submitting a VIN as a query to retrieve records related to the specific vehicle. Methods return a full VIN report as either raw data or a PDF file. VIN report information includes state that issued the last title and the date, odometer reading at last title change, total loss history, and salvage history.
Who's Hurt API: Who?s Hurt is an injury reporting service for professional sports leagues, including football, baseball, basketball, hockey, and soccer leagues. The Who?s Hurt SOAP API allows developers to embed injury reports on their websites, with the ability to customize responses to return league or team specific data.
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