Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Health and Fitness Articles ? Blog Archive ? Get over Hemorrhoids ...

Hemorrhoids are a condition that affects people from all walks of life. Hemorrhoid advice is rarely dispensed, and many people don?t know how to treat hemorrhoids when they have them. However, you?ll soon have the opportunity to take in as much advice as you?d like. The article below will provide you with hemorrhoid advice that could shock you.

It is possible to push a hemorrhoid back into the anus yourself. This treatment should only be performed for small hemorrhoids and with gentleness and care. Hemorrhoids are better protected inside of the rectum, and therefore, you aren?t as likely to suffer any irritation or bleeding.

See a doctor if you?re not sure of what you have. A hemorrhoid can easily be mistaken for a polyp, and that can cause unnecessary worry. Be sure to make a doctors appointment just to take care of any issues before they potentially worsen.

You can find relief from hemorrhoid pain in a number of places. Experts have been known to recommend soaking in a sitz bath multiple times per day, for 5 to 10 minutes each time. Try using a cold compress on the area of inflammation for some additional relief.

Use a hemorrhoid cream sparingly. Creams can take the pain away, but will not do anything for the inflammation and the swelling. If you must use these creams for a greater amount of time than one week, you should ensure your doctor is fine with this. Avoid further pain and damage by limiting the use of these creams.

Eat foods that are high in fiber. When there is more fiber present in your food, you will have softer stools that are easier to pass. If your stools are soft, you will not need to strain when going to the bathroom, and will therefore spare yourself significant pain. There are supplements that contain fiber that can be purchased and used as a stool softener.

Fight the desire to scratch even the biggest, itchiest hemorrhoid. By scratching the area, you may be setting yourself up to bacterial infections and tissue damage. If you can no longer take the itching, use a wet cloth to gently cleanse the area. Itching is not always a sign of inflammation or swelling. You may just need to clean the area. This is where a wet paper towel or a rag can really bring some much needed relief.

To help minimize swelling and pain, make a paste out of water and powdered myrrh. Mix one teaspoon each of water and powdered myrrh into a thick paste. Apply this paste to your hemorrhoids and let it sit for a half an hour. You can find powdered myrrh in stores that sell beauty and health products.

Hemorrhoids are a common ailment, especially when situations stress certain areas of the body. This is due to an increase in anal pressure. If you apply what you?ve read here and create a prevention strategy, or treatment plan if you already suffer from hemorrhoids, you?ll find that you?re less likely to develop this condition or are better equipped to treat it.

Get more info regarding internal hemorrhoids treatment. Check out Rob Forchet?s web site where you can discover more details on how to choose the best possible hemorrhoid home treatment as well as how to avoid the pain in the back.

Tags: best hemorrhoids medication, Health and Fitness, Hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids cream, Hemorrhoids home remedy, Hemorrhoids home treatment, hemorrhoids homeopathic remedy, Internal hemorrhoids treatment, otc hemorrhoid medication


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